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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

Voluntary Contributions

Voluntary contributions

With school budgets still under huge and unprecedented pressure, we are continuing our School Support Fund to enable parents and carers to make voluntary contributions that will benefit our students. The Fund will help us to ensure that these budget constraints do not affect our ability to continue to provide the very best curriculum which shapes your child’s experience at Worthing High School.

Contributions will assist with the costs associated with DT resources, non-consumable cooking resources within Food, equipment within PE and other equipment supplies such as text books, revision books and numerous other resources across all subject areas.

Please note, there will be no impact on students, should you choose not to contribute and that payments do not contribute to the cost of extracurricular trips. We fully appreciate that we are all facing challenges with the current cost of living, however we are very mindful of being able to deliver the best we can for your child whilst also navigating through these circumstances.

If you wish to make a voluntary contribution to the Worthing High School Support Fund, please either pay a voluntary contribution per month by standing order to the details below or through Wisepay with the suggested donation amount.

Standing order information
Account name: SDET T/a Worthing High School
Account number: 54788960
Sort code: 30-99-93
Payment reference: WHSSF – Child’s full name

We are suggesting £60 annually or £5 per month, but we would be grateful for any contribution. To contribute a different amount please indicate this on Wisepay or if you are unable to access this, email with the details of the amount you would like to contribute.

Thank you for your help and support.

Worthing High School