MFL - Curriculum Information
Curriculum Intent
Curriculum Sequencing
Click here for Curriculum Sequencing - Year 7
Click here for Curriculum Sequencing - Spanish - Year 8
Click here for Curriculum Sequencing - German - Year 8
Click here for Curriculum Sequencing - French - Year 8
Click here for Curriculum Sequencing - Spanish - Year 9
Click here for Curriculum Sequencing - German - Year 9
Click here for Curriculum Sequencing - French - Year 9
Click here for Curriculum Sequencing - Spanish - Year 10
Click here for Curriculum Sequencing - German - Year 10
Click here for Curriculum Sequencing - French - Year 10
Click here for Curriculum Sequencing - Spanish - Year 11
Aims of the MFL department
- To enable all students to make maximum progress in their languages lessons whilst enjoying varied learning activities
- To teach students to be responsible and independent learners
- To provide students with literacy, study and thinking skills that help them across the curriculum
- To enrich students’ lives by providing them with the cultural aspects of the languages they are studying
Departmental Staff
Mr M. Beda - Subject Leader (French)
Ms K Nicholas - Deputy Leader of Modern Foreign Languages, Teacher of German and French
Mr. S. Ygon, Teacher of Spanish and French
Ms J Baptiste - Teacher of French and Spanish
Ms H Varley - Teacher of French and Spanish
Mrs C Conrad
Our Facilities
5 well resourced classrooms
Learning Resource Centre
Access to 4 modern ICT Suites
Our Philosophy
“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things." - Flora Lewis
KS3 (Year 7, 8 and 9)
At Key Stage 3 most students focus on studying one foreign language (currently French or Spanish). Top sets in Year 7, 8 and 9 both study French and German. Students cover a range of every day topics and practise their skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing and translation we use a variety of authentic learning resources, all of which prepare students for studying a language at GCSE and for using language in real-life situations.
KS4 (Year 10 and 11)
At Key Stage 4 students follow the AQA GCSE course. Over the two years the course covers the three themes of: Identity & Culture (Me, my family and friends; Technology in everyday life; Free-time activities; Customs and festivals in target language countries/communities); Local, national, international and global areas of interest (Home, town, neighbourhood & region; Social issues; Global Issues; Travel and tourism) and Current and future study and employment (My studies; Life at school/college; Education post-16; Jobs, career choices and ambitions)
Alongside the curriculum content, students continue to improve their skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing which are separately assessed skills with equal (25%) weighting. Speaking exams consist of describing a photo, conservation questions and a role-play.
Additional Sessions
Period 6 - Wednesdays
Revision Sessions
For Easter Revision Sessions, please see under Teaching & Learning, Exam Support.
The importance of languages in other subjects