Curriculum Choices FAQs
Does my child have to study English Maths and Science?
Yes – these are compulsory parts of the National Curriculum
Why has my child been put on a pathway, it’s stopping them from having free choice?
Our job is to ensure every child picks subjects that will give them the appropriate challenge and breadth. By placing them on a specific pathway we can ensure this and not limit their opportunities beyond school.
My child has been put on the blue pathway, can we change?
We have puts students on the blue pathway because of their positive prior attainment and attitude to study. We feel it will benefit students to do a language and complete the English Baccalaureate because it will make them stand out when applying for college and university places. The breadth of knowledge and skills a student gains across the Baccalaureate makes them extremely employable.
Can my child do additional subjects?
We cannot timetable additional subjects but students will be able to complete the Higher Project Qualification and Further Maths, which are taught in addition to the timetabled subjects
Can my child do triple award Science?
Yes, but due to the demands of Triple Science, students will be selected by the subject leader and subject teachers. He will have the final decision on who does Triple Science and will base this on attitude to learning and academic profile.
For more information, please contact Mr Kent
Can my child be placed on the Green pathway?
If we feel a student will require additional support to fulfil their potential, we have put them on the Green Pathway. Parents/carers and the students on this pathway will have been placed on this pathway after consideration of their learning profiles and additional needs. If you feel your child requires additional support, please contact our SENDCO Ms Daley/ Mrs Willett -
My child cannot make up their mind, what can we do to help?
Lots of students are unsure about what they want to do when they leave school. Our advice is that they pick subjects, they think they will enjoy. We also advise they pick subjects that gives them a broad range of knowledge. If you require further support, your child should speak to their tutor. Students should not pick a subject because their friends are doing it.
Who do I need to speak to for help completing Options online?
Please contact our Data Manager Mrs Tracy Newman -