Class Charts
At Worthing High School, we use ClassCharts, available both as an app and a website link, to enhance communication with parents/carers and students. This digital platform offers a range of tools that help you stay updated on your child's timetable, homework assignments, attendance records, and behaviour, ensuring you are well-informed and actively supporting their learning and development.
ClassCharts allows parents/carers to access real-time information about achievements and behaviour incidents. The platform is a comprehensive tool for supporting your child’s development. We will also use the ClassCharts parent/carer app to improve communication, offering you timely access to crucial information and encouraging a more transparent and collaborative relationship.
For more information, including ClassCharts User Guides and FAQs, please refer to the links below.
Click here for Homework on Class Charts
Click here for Website Update Feb 2025
Class Charts
I cannot log in to Class Charts
You will need to contact and ask for your Parent or Student Access Code. It is important that students use the student access code, not the parent one, as elements such as homework submission/upload is only available there.
I have forgotten my password, what can I do?
We can easily reissue your password code to you. Please email us on
What if I changed my email address or other contact details?
If any of your contact details have changed, please contact your child’s Pastoral Leader to update. Alternatively, you can let us know by emailing
What if we require more than one account?
We anticipate that most families will use a single login but in circumstances where more than one parent/carer has the right to access data please contact the school.
What if I have more than one child at the school? Will I need an account for each child?
If you have more than one child at the school, you will only require one login which will allow you to access each of your children’s records. If you have a child join the school after you have received your login details, your child will appear on your existing Parent account.
What happens when my child leaves the school?
When your child leaves the school, whether this is in Year 11 or at another point in their secondary education, they will no longer appear on your Parent account. If you have only one child at the school, your account will be disabled.
What happens if I have no access to a computer/internet?
Please contact the school to discuss this with us
Can I communicate to the teacher using Class Charts?
Not at the moment. Any queries need to be emailed to and not emailed directly to the class teacher. To help direct your enquiry to the right person please include the name of the teacher in the subject and include the student’s full name and Year Group in your email.
Work has been set by a teacher who is not the usual class teacher, should this work be completed?
Many departments are setting remote learning centrally, so the teacher uploading the work may not be the usual class teacher. The work still needs to be completed and submitted. The usual class teacher will be monitoring the work, and giving feedback where applicable.
I cannot see where to submit/upload completed work.
Submission of work is only possible on the student account. If you are using a parent account, you will not be able to submit/upload work. Log in using the student account. Navigate to the homework section. When the relevant ‘homework’ is selected you will see ‘My attachments’, where you can upload up to 5 files (e.g. photos/office documents) a maximum of 250mb each.
I am unable to submit/upload a file.
Check the file size. Only files 250mb or less can be submitted. You may need to reduce the file size if a photo is too large or compress the size of images used within a PowerPoint document (using compress picture function). You can also save some files as alternative file types such as PDFs which will reduce the file size.
A2: Check that the file type you are trying to submit is supported by Class Charts (.doc .docx .xls .xlsx .ppt .pptx .pdf .pub .png .jpg .gif .rtf .mp3 .odt .odp .csv)
I cannot find a task after the deadline has passed.
Navigate to the homework section. Change the date range settings, the default is to see tasks by due date, showing the past 7 days and the upcoming month.
How do I see feedback from the class teacher?
Navigate to the homework section. Select the relevant task. If feedback has been left a ‘feedback’ icon will appear on the task. Expand the task and you will see the written feedback next to the attachment(s). Please note, not all work will be given feedback on the app. If multiple attachments have been submitted/uploaded, the teacher will not necessarily comment on each individual item.
I cannot open a PDF resource that a teacher has uploaded on Class Charts.
You may not have a PDF viewer on your computer. Adobe Acrobat can be downloaded for free from
How can I see the overall behaviour points my child has?
If accessing this on the app or website, ensure you have clicked on ‘date range’ and chosen the correct time span (e.g. since August 2024), then hover over the inside of the pie chart and you will see the total amount of behaviour points (positive and negative) gained within the date range you have entered.
If you are still having issues with Class Charts please email outlining the nature of the issue, ensuring that you include the student name and Year Group in the email.