Healthy Schools BRONZE Award
Congratulations from the DFE on our Bronze Award!
The healthy schools rating scheme has been designed by the Department for Education to recognise and encourage schools’ contributions to supporting pupils’ health and wellbeing.
It celebrates the positive actions that schools are delivering in terms of healthy eating and physical activity, and aims to help schools to identify useful next steps in their provision.
The DFE encourage schools gaining Gold, Silver or Bronze certificates to display these at their schools and share their success with parents. They want to celebrate schools’ achievements and help start conversations among staff and parents about how the school might build on its positive work in future years.
The DFE has assessed our survey responses against the following key criteria:
a. Food education, including in the curriculum and teacher training;
b. Compliance with the school food standards;
c. The amount of time children spend on PE each week;
d. Participation in active travel schemes.
Further details about this scheme and the calculation of awards are available online.
Please visit and search for ‘healthy schools rating scheme’.
The DFE encourage schools to consider their responses in relation to the above key areas. Schools that achieve Gold or Silver will be delivering well against all aspects, although there may of course be further areas in which they want to consider additional future actions.
Schools scoring Bronze will be performing well in some areas and we would invite them to consider their survey responses across all four.
Some respondents may not achieve a Gold, Silver or Bronze award. In these cases, it is likely that the school is not delivering against a key aspect of healthy provision for pupils – for example, not complying with the statutory school food standards or providing a minimal amount of PE time each week for some year groups.
The healthy schools rating scheme was launched by the Department for Education as a Beta phase for schools in 2019.
The DFE welcome any feedback and will use this to inform future improvements to our scheme. Please email: