Non Uniform Day Friday 12 February 2021
The school will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 12th February 2021 prior to half term.
A contribution of at least £1 is asked of students, and the money raised will be donated to two charities.
Chestnut Tree House, a children’s charity providing hospice care services and community support for children and young people with progressive life-shortening conditions in East and West Sussex and South East Hampshire. More information about this charity can be found by following this link:
Youth Emotional Support (YES) service, a free service for young people aged 11-18 looking for support with their well-being.
Students should observe the following:
- Students can wear any suitable non-uniform.
- Usual standards regarding jewellery, make up and suitable hair styles and colours will still be in place.
- Students who are in school, that have P.E on the day may wear non-uniform but must have appropriate footwear for a P.E lesson.
We would like you to donate via wisepay link here (minimum of £1.00) the days leading up to the 12th February.
We are very grateful for your support in raising funds for these very important charities.
Kind regards
Mr T Izod
Charity and Community Co-ordinator