Year 11 Update 17.12.20 - GCSE Exams
We wanted to take this opportunity to provide an update with regards to summer 2021 exams and our steps to prepare students as well as we can.
The Government are committed to examining students and will provide a package of support to help those schools/students who have been disrupted by Coronavirus. We know students will be provided with “support materials” and we also know there will be more than one opportunity to sit exams, should a student miss exams due to self-isolation or illness. Unfortunately we have not been provided any details, with regards to the content of the exams or the nature of these support materials, so we are still unable to replicate what will happen in the summer, as we normally would.
The Year 11’s are working hard, have already done a full set of mocks and interventions are in place that are directly targeting areas of need. We are also in a position where we feel we have enough time and it is appropriate to give students a second set of mocks, that will replicate the exams they will sit in the summer. For this to help students be better prepared for the summer, we have decided to wait until we have received further guidance from the Government before deciding on dates and content. We will ensure students have as much notice as possible, so they have time to fully prepare and we will also ensure we continue to support them both pastorally and academically through their final year.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents, carers and their children for their support and hard work this term. The year 11’s have navigated a difficult term extremely well and their resilience, hard work and determination has been evident throughout. We hope you and your child have a well-earned rest over the holiday period and students return ready to go again, in January.
Kind regards
Mr Adrian Cook
Deputy Headteacher