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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

Year 10 Working from home guidance 14.12.20

Students are expected to follow their timetable and log on to the relevant Team for the lesson timetabled for that particular period.

Students should join the Live Meet on Microsoft Teams. They should have their camera on but remain silent for their teacher to begin the virtual session. 

Their teacher will:

  • Take a register
  • Introduce the learning objectives
  • Explain the activities students are expected to complete, with expected timings 
  • Show students where they can access the resources and submit their work
  • Take questions using the ‘hands up’ function or chat function
  • Remain available online to answer questions throughout the lesson via Microsoft Teams

All students have been made aware of this process by their form tutor and have a sticker in their planner outlining the process. Further information on accessing Microsoft Teams can be found on our website here 

During the session, students should behave appropriately and follow the code of conduct for virtual learning which is attached to this email.

Also just as a reminder - it is just the Year 10 student that needs to self-isolate the Government guidance is as follows:

Self-isolation means staying at home and not going outside your home at any time. If you live with other people, they do not need to self-isolate, but they should avoid contact with you as far as possible and follow advice on hygiene

 Kind regards

Worthing High School