Information for Year 11 - 2020 leavers
Results, Appeals and Certificates
How have teachers decided my grades?
Worthing High School has submitted provisional (centre assessment) grades and rank orders to the relevant awarding body in accordance with the Ofqual guidance1 on awarding qualifications in summer 2020 and in line with the awarding body instructions.
For the reason of fairness, awarding bodies are putting these grades through a standardisation process to ensure grading standards are consistent across all centres. The rank order of candidates will not be changed but the final grades candidates receive may be different to the centre assessment grade.
What will my final grades look like?
On candidate statements of results (results slips) and certificates, final grades will be reported in the same way as in previous years.
Final grades will be issued on results day(s) in August as follows:
Date |
Qualification type |
Grade |
20/08/2020 |
GCSE and other Level 1/2 qualifications |
What will happen on results day?
Following our survey, we are delighted so many of you want to come in. You can come on site from 10am on 20th August. Please do not arrive before this. You
will enter straight into the millennium hall through the door accessed via the carparks. To ensure we adhere to Government and Public Health England guidance
we ask that you maintain 2 metre social distance as you come on site. Your results will then be collected from Community tables (Tarring, Broadwater, Heene and Salvington), set up in the millennium hall. A queuing system will be in place to ensure social distancing. You will then follow a one way system into the Sports Hall where we will provide you with refreshments and space to interact with your peers and teachers. There will be a one way system in place to exit the building, collecting year books and hoodies on the way out.
What If I do not get the grades I need for my chosen KS5/post 16 course, can I sit the exam?
Yes, there will be opportunity to sit the exams if you feel you can do better than your CAG but check with the college or provider first. They may still offer a place or give you an amended offer. We will give you more information on sitting the exams with your results.
What if I don’t think my results are a fair reflection?
At results time, Ofqual will be providing information for students that sets out how their grades were calculated this year and the options available if they
believe their result was not properly produced, including access to appeal. The National Careers Service Exam Results Helpline2 offers advice each year for
students who have not received the results they had hoped for. Ofqual will also make a helpline available to students and their parents or carers to talk about the
appeals process and any other questions they may have about their results this summer.
Awarding bodies will also likely provide information for students about results. Worthing High School will signpost you to any relevant information at results time.
If you have a concern about a grade you have been awarded, you can ask to:
o check whether an error was made when submitting your centre assessment grade and rank order to the awarding body
o raise a complaint with Mr Panayiotou if you feel you have evidence of bias or that you were discriminated against
o seek any information the awarding body holds in relation to how your final grade was calculated
o provide information about the opportunity to take an exam in the autumn series or in summer 2021
What if I want to appeal my results?
The arrangements for awarding qualifications in summer 2020 state:
Arrangements for appeals
The arrangements for awarding qualifications in summer 2020 state:
Candidates can appeal their grades through their centre (Worthing High School) if they feel the process this summer was not followed correctly in their case.
A candidate can:
· ask their centre to appeal on their behalf to an awarding body if there is evidence that leads a candidate to believe:
· the centre made an error when submitting a centre assessment grade or rank order information
· an awarding body made a mistake when calculating, assigning or communicating a grade
· appeal against the centre’s decision
o not to seek any information the awarding body holds that would be needed for an appeal; and/or
o not to appeal to the awarding body
A candidate cannot:
· appeal against their centre assessment grades and position in the rank order
· appeal in respect of the process or procedure used by Worthing High School in calculating their centre assessment grades and position in the rank order
· appeal directly in any respect to the awarding body
What will Worthing High School do if I decide to appeal?
Worthing High School will:
- appeal to an awarding body on a candiate’s behalf if it believes the centre itself made an error when submitting a centre assessment grade or rank order information or if it believes an awarding body made a mistake when calculating, assigning or communicating a grade
- ask the candidate to provide written informed consent (informed consent via candidate email is acceptable) before an appeal is submitted to the awarding body as the appeal could result in the final grade being lower than, higher than, or the same as the grade which was originally awarded
- Only collect consent after the publication of results.
- where relevant, advise an affected candidate to inform any third party (such as a university or college) that an appeal has been submitted to an awarding body
Worthing High School will not:
- seek any information the awarding body holds that would be needed for an appeal if it does not believe an awarding body made a mistake when calculating, assigning or communicating a grade
- appeal to an awarding body on a candiate’s behalf if it does not believe the centre itself made an error when submitting a centre assessment grade or rank order information or if it does not believe an awarding body made a mistake when calculating, assigning or communicating a grade
o not to seek any information the awarding body holds that would be needed for an appeal
o not to appeal to the awarding body
An internal appeal should be submitted to the Headteacher at the following address:
o Deadlines for appeals will be shared on results day, at the moment the exam boards have not set these.
o The candidate will be informed of the outcome of the internal appeal as soon as the decision has been made.
If the internal appeal is upheld by the centre:
- The centre will request information the awarding body holds that would be needed for an appeal within the time period (set by the awarding body)
- The centre will submit an appeal on the candidate’s behalf to meet the awarding body’s deadline for appeals.
Are there any fees for appeals?
Yes but at the moment we do not know how much. Students will be asked to cover any costs unless decisions for appeal are upheld by exam boards, in which case the school will reimburse costs.
When will I receive my certificates?
Further information regarding the issuing of certificates will follow in due course.