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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

How are we providing feedback to students

Just like in school, feedback is really important so students know they are on-track. Even though we are working remotely we want to ensure feedback is still available to students. Different subjects may have different approaches so below is a summary of how each subject area will provide feedback.





At KS3 - students send their work photographed via email, students will receive mark sheets with feedback. Look out for the KS3 and KS4 ‘hall of fame’ on twitter for great visual examples.

At KS4 Year 10 Work is to be submitted via Microsoft teams. Good examples will be shared on Team with the rest of the class.


English teachers have used Show My Homework to specify which tasks are to be submitted via email. Feedback will be sent via email.


Students will be working on Hegarty Quizzes and will receive immediate feedback.  Students should aim for 70%+ correct, before moving onto the next task.  If they don’t achieve the 70%, they should be having another attempt, and refereeing back to the teaching video for support.  Students can email their teacher for more support.


Students will get personalised feedback via email.


Students will get personalised feedback via email.


KS3 students will receive feedback via email. Year 10’s will also receive email feedback. The questions they need to submit or shared on Show My Homework. Some Year 10’s have joined the Teams group. Those students will receive feedback on this.


Students will be asked to do end of unit quizzes and will receive feedback for these via email. Work and quizzes are set on Show My Homework.


Year 10 feedback will be via Microsoft teams and email.

KS3 before Easter was given via Bandlab.

This half term: 

Y9 – Quiz result on Show My Homework

Y8 and Year 7 will receive feedback via Email.


All work to be submitted on teams using the assignments where students can also find all the work. Teachers will then give feedback using teams to students that have submitted work.


Students will receive feedback via email for the work they submit.


Students will receive feedback via email or on show my homework if the work has been uploaded. For KS4 students can also use Teams and the upload/ feedback option.


Students will be sent an answer sheet, and they then send their teacher a photo of their notes that they have made.  Students will receive a reminder three days before submission deadline. Feedback will be via email.