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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

Uniform and Standards December 2021

We want to thank parents for their support in maintaining the high standards of uniform that we have of our students. We are very proud of the way students wear their uniform in school and when travelling to and from home. We have attached our uniform policy for you to refer to if

We wanted to ask for your support when students return in January:

  • Please ensure that students do not have any new piercings over the Christmas break as they will not have had sufficient time to allow students to remove them before attending school. If a student has had a piercing that is not in line with our policy they will have to remove it or be issued with sanctions.
  • Please ensure any new shoes purchased have a clear heel and are black and polishable.
  • If students decide to colour their hair over Christmas, please ensure that it can be washed out before they return.
  • Please refer to our uniform policy regarding haircuts but please ensure that hair is not cut shorter than a grade 2.


Students are only permitted to wear one stud in each ear, a watch, a necklace (which must be worn underneath the shirt) and 1 charity wristband. If students are wearing excessive jewellery, then from Monday 17th January 2022 the excessive jewellery will be confiscated and held at school until it is collected in person by a Parent or Carer. We appreciate this will be a possible inconvenience to parents and carers and so would ask for your support in ensuring your son/daughter meets our high standards of uniform. If a student persistently refuses to meet the expectations of our uniform policy we may have to issue sanctions.

Mr Swift

Deputy Headteacher